Financial Samples

Die Erfassung von Umsatzerlösen erfolgt gem. IFRS 15 (Erlöse aus Verträgen mit Kunden) mit Erfüllung der jeweiligen Leistungsverpflichtungen durch die Übertragung von Waren auf Großhandelskunden bzw. die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen. Die Waren gelten zu dem Zeitpunkt als übertragen, zu dem der Kunde Verfügungsgewalt über sie erlangt. Dies gilt sowohl für den stationären Handel wie auch für das Belieferungsgeschäft (Food Service Distribution, FSD). Mit den Kunden ist in diesen Fällen üblicherweise Barzahlung bzw. Zahlung innerhalb einer kurzen Zeit nach Lieferung der Ware (Zielkauf) vereinbart. Signifikante Finanzierungskomponenten sind in den Verträgen mit Kunden üblicherweise nicht enthalten. Bei Dienstleistungen wird die Verfügungsgewalt über die Dienstleistungen zeitraumbezogen übertragen und somit die Leistungsverpflichtung erfüllt. Erlöse werden in Höhe der Gegenleistung erfasst, die im Austausch gegen die Güter oder Dienstleistungen erlangt bzw. voraussichtlich erhalten wird.
Revenue is recognized under IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers) on fulfillment of the respective performance obligations through the transfer of goods to wholesale customers or the provision of services. The goods are deemed transferred as of the time when the customer gains the power of disposal over them. This applies both to brick-and-mortar commerce and food service distribution (FSD). In the latter cases, payment in cash or payment within a short time after delivery of the goods (credit purchase) is usually agreed to. Significant financing components are normally not included in the contracts with customers. In the case of services, the power of disposal over the services is transferred with respect to a time period, and in this way the performance obligation is fulfilled. Revenues are recognized in the amount of the consideration obtained or expected to be obtained in exchange for the goods or services.
XXXX S.r.l., entro il giorno antecedente l’avvio dell’Offerta in Opzione, assumeranno, nei confronti di Banca ABC, in qualità di Lead Manager dell’Offerta e Garante, un impegno di lock-up per un periodo di 120 giorni a partire dalla data di regolamento dell’Offerta in Borsa, in base al quale si impegneranno, tra l'altro, a non compiere nuovi atti di disposizione aventi come oggetto o per effetto la vendita, la cessione o la permuta, in tutto o in parte, delle Azioni YYYY o di qualsiasi diritto inerente le Azioni YYYY detenute alla data del Contratto di Garanzia nonché inerente le azioni che saranno dagli stessi sottoscritte e/o i Warrant che saranno loro assegnati nell’ambito dell’Aumento di Capitale, senza il preventivo consenso del Garante (consenso che non potrà essere irragionevolmente negato senza giustificato motivo). Quanto precede non troverà, tuttavia, applicazione con riferimento alle Azioni oggetto dell'Opzione Call ZZZ.
By the day preceding the launch of the Option Offer, XXXX S.r.l. shall assume, vis-à-vis Banca ABC as Lead Manager of the Offer and Guarantor, a lock-up commitment for a period of 120 days starting from the settlement date of the Offer on the Italian stock exchange (Borsa), on the basis of which they mutually undertake not to perform acts of disposal aimed at or having the effect of selling, transferring, or bartering, in whole or in part, YYYY Shares or any right inherent in YYYY Shares held as of the date of the Guarantee Contract or inherent to the shares that will be subscribed by them and/or the Warrants that will be assigned to them within in the context of the Capital Increase, without the prior consent of the Guarantor (the consent cannot be refused unreasonably without a justified reason). The preceding shall not be applicable, however, with reference to the Shares that form the object of the ZZZ Option Call.
Bijkomende informatie
▪ De resultaatsvergelijking tussen 2009 en 2010 wordt beïnvloed door het lopende desinvesteringsprogramma (waarover meer verder in dit jaarverslag):
- De (materiële) desinvesteringen die eind 2010 nog niet waren afgerond, maar wel onder IFRS 5 vielen, betreffen alleen XXX xxx (incl. YYYY), dat bovendien als beëindigde bedrijfsactiviteit wordt gekwalificeerd. Dat wil zeggen dat in de IFRS-winst-enverliesrekening alle betreffende posten, inclusief de resultaten m.b.t. de verkoop (-0,3 miljard euro), samengebundeld werden in de post Nettoresultaat na belastingen uit beëindigde bedrijfsresultaten, met aanpassing van de referentiecijfers voor 2009 (in de onderliggende resultaten blijven de resultaten van XXX xxx nog onder alle relevante resultaatsposten staan en het resultaat van de verkoop zelf wordt beschouwd als uitzonderlijk element en dus uitgesloten). Opgelet: midden maart 2011 werd bekend dat de verkoop van XXX xxx aan de ZZZZ-groep niet doorgaat (zie verder in het hoofdstuk Groepscenter)
Additional information
▪ The comparison of results between 2009 and 2010 is impacted by the ongoing disinvestment program (more on this later in this annual report):
- The (material) disinvestments that were not yet completed at the end of 2010, but that did fall under IFRS 5, relate solely to XXX xxx (incl. YYYY), which, moreover, is characterized as a terminated business activity. That means that, in the IFRS statement of profit or loss, all relevant items, including the results relating to the sale (EUR -0.3 billion), are combined under the item Net Result After Charges from Terminated Business Results, with adjustment of the reference figures prior to 2009 (in the underlying results, the results of XXX xxx remain present under all relevant result items, and the result of the sale itself is viewed as an extraordinary element and is thus excluded). Please note: in mid-March 2011 it was announced that the sale of XXX xxx to the ZZZZ Group would not take place (see more in the chapter Group Center)
Cuando una inversión inmobiliaria se somete a un cambio de su uso, evidenciado por el inicio de un desarrollo inmobiliario sobre la inversión inmobiliaria para su posterior venta, la propiedad se transfiere a las existencias. El coste atribuido de propiedad para su posterior contabilización como existencias es su valor razonable a la fecha del cambio de su uso. Adicionalmente, tendrá lugar una transferencia entre existencias e inversiones inmobiliarias cuando hay un cambio en el uso de un activo evidenciado por el comienzo de un contrato de arrendamiento sobre el mismo. Cuando la Sociedad decide la venta de un activo clasificado en inversiones inmobiliarias sin desarrollo inmobiliario posterior, se mantiene clasificado como inversión inmobiliaria hasta su venta. La Sociedad, atendiendo a la definición de inversión inmobiliaria, ha clasificado como inversiones inmobiliarias aquellos terrenos que se tiene para un uso futuro no determinado.
When a real-estate investment is subjected to a change in its use, made evident by the start of a real-estate development on the real-estate investment for its later sale, the ownership is transferred to the goods. The attributed ownership cost for its later recognition as goods is its reasonable value on the date of the change in its use. In addition, there will be a transfer between goods and real-estate investments when there is a change in the use of an asset made evident by the start of a lease agreement for it. When the Company decides to sell an asset classified under real-estate investments without a prior real-estate development, it remains classified as a real-estate investment until its sale. The Company, keeping in mind the definition of real-estate investment, has classified as real-estate investments those land properties that it holds for a undetermined future use.
Les écarts d’acquisition y compris les zones de lait représentent l’excédent qui existait entre le coût d’acquisition et la quote-part d’intérêt du Groupe dans la juste valeur des actifs nets identifiables, à la date d’acquisition des activités nouvelles. L’écart d’acquisition se rapportant à l’acquisition d’entreprises associées est inclus dans les « Participations dans les entreprises associées ». L’écart d’acquisition comptabilisé séparément est soumis à un test de dépréciation au minimum annuel et plus fréquent s’il existe des indices de perte de valeur. Il est évalué à son coût déduction faite du cumul des pertes de valeur. Les pertes de valeur des écarts d’acquisition ne sont pas réversibles. Le résultat dégagé sur la cession d’une entité tient compte de la valeur comptable de l’écart d’acquisition lié à l’entité cédée. Aux fins de réalisation des tests de dépréciation, les écarts d’acquisition sont affectés aux unités génératrices de trésorerie ou aux groupes d’unités génératrices de trésorerie susceptibles de bénéficier du regroupement d’entreprises ayant donné naissance aux écarts d’acquisition. Une unité génératrice de trésorerie correspond généralement à une zone géographique.
Goodwill, including the milk zones, represents the excess that existed between the acquisition cost and the Group’s interest share in the fair value of the net identifiable assets at the date of acquisition of the new assets. Goodwill pertaining to the acquisition of associated enterprises is included under “Equity investments in associated enterprises.” Goodwill recognized separately is subjected to an amortization test annually at a minimum, and more frequently if there are indications for a loss in value. It is valued at its cost after deduction of cumulative losses in value. Losses in value of goodwill are not reversible. The result drawn on the sale of an entity takes into account the accounting value of the goodwill linked to the sold entity. In order to perform amortization tests, goodwill is allocated to the cash-generating units or the groups of cash-generating units liable to benefit from the grouping together of enterprises that gave rise to the goodwill. A cash-generating unit generally corresponds to a geographic zone.